On August 27, 2017 YHWH prompted me to stay up later than my family. I wasn't sure why I was up and I didn't feel an unusual burden of any sort. I just knew He had me awake for a purpose.
So, Why am I up, Father? Have You called a meeting? I'm here...speak, for Your servant is listening. I WILL SING MY HEART SONG THROUGH YOU Beautiful, Abba! Yes! I receive it! Is there anything else? I then felt led to read a chapter in a book I've been reading by Dutch Sheets: "The Beginner's Guide to Intercession." The chapter was entitled 'Proactive Prayer.' Everything in the chapter pointed to scriptures and examples of being alert, watching, praying in advance, and staying awake! Staying awake! Yes YHWH! I'm awake! THIS IS WHAT IT IS TO BE A WATCHMAN. IF YOU WERE THE WATCHMAN OF A TOWN OR ARMY YOU WOULD BE AWAKE WHILE OTHERS SLEPT. YOU WOULD BE LOOKING FOR ANY SIGNS OF DANGER. YOU WOULD BE AWARE, ALERT, AND READY TO ACTIVATE OTHERS. I REQUIRE WATCHMEN. MY BRIDE REQUIRES WATCHMEN. I was up to learn about being a watchman! I had also been in a sort of "funk" for a few days and had been self-examining to figure out what was going on in me emotionally, spiritually, or physically that was causing this dull discouragement and semi self-pity. Abba, what is this "funk" about? What's going on in me? IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU. I WANT YOU TO PRAY AS I REVEAL MY HEART IN YOU, THROUGH YOU. WHAT YOU'RE FEELING IS MY HEART, A CALL TO PRAY. FROM NOW ON WHEN YOU FEEL ANYTHING I WANT YOU TO RECOGNIZE THAT YOU ARE FEELING MY HEART FOR MY PEOPLE AND YOU ARE FEELING WHAT MY BRIDE IS FEELING, MY SET APART ONES. AND YOU ARE TO PRAY FOR MY PEOPLE AND MY BRIDE ACCORDING TO WHAT YOU FEEL. YOU'VE BEEN FEELING TIRED, DISCOURAGED, CONFUSED...MY BRIDE IS FEELING TIRED, DISCOURAGED, CONFUSED. PRAY FOR HER! MY HEART IS FOR HER AND YOU ARE A VITAL PART OF HER. PRAY MY HEART FOR MY BRIDE! HalleluYAH! What a wonderful revelation and calling - a calling we all have! We are His Bride, His People, the sheep of His pasture, His Flock! We are to nourish, care for, fight for, and cover His Flock in prayer, in the Word, and in action. I feel led to enlist other members of the Body to 24/7 prayer - each member committing to pray during a certain hour of each day for a set amount of time. The goal being to have proactive prayer going out for His Bride 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! (You can do this through United in YAH! Click here) Will you join me in being a Watchman?! Comment below with what day(s) and time(s) you will commit to pray. And check out these scriptures about being a Watchman: John 10:10, Isaiah 62:6, Ephesians 6:18, 1 Peter 5:8, 2 Corinthians 2:11, Isaiah 56:10, Mark 8:18, Hosea 4:6 In His Love Shalom s
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Stacey Fitzgerald
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